À bientôt, PaRis

Miles walked
Crêpes (each) and counting

Our last day in Paris started with a must see: Musée d’Orsay. We spent all morning wandering through rooms of paintings and sculptures, but definitely seemed to have more shared interest in the sculptures. Not only was the art amazing and impressive, the architecture and detailing of the building is beautiful. It was a great morning and totally different from most of what we’ve been doing. 

After the museum, we decided that we really wanted to go on a boat, so we bought a 1 day pass for the BatoBus, a hop on hop off boat along the Seine. We took almost an entire loop before hopping off at the Invalides stop to go find our favorite crêpe stand (again). After lunch, we laid down on the green to take in the gorgeous weather and just enjoy some of our final moments in Paris. Of course, we also had to grab some sweet crêpes before we got too far away! 

Then, we headed back to the boat to go see Notre Dame. While the repairs are going well, and the back looks like it is back to normal, the front and sides are still covered in scaffolding. Of course, as we knew, this means that it is not open to visitors so we settled for a nice spot that overlooked the Seine and Notre Dame. 

When we were ready, we walked to the front of the small island to see the park and then back along the other side before taking a bridge over to the mainland. We kept walking along the water until we got to the Louvre where there was another boat stop. This boat took us to the Eiffel Tower where we found a restaurant along the water to get wine, a cheese board, and a salad to share. This ended up being the perfect dinner, but there was one more thing we were set on finding before we left Paris. It took us a little longer than we expected, but we found a cute restaurant that served crème brûlée and quickly got a table and some wine. It was delicious and was the perfect way to end the night before catching a metro back to the hostel. Tomorrow we will be off to Nice!! 

À bientôt, PaRis Read More »