Top of Europe

The biggest cultural difference we’ve noticed between Switzerland and the other countries we’ve visited is that people actually wake up early here. Everyone in our room was up before 7 and we went down to breakfast to find it very crowded before breakfast had even started. We filled up on breakfast and then made sandwiches to bring with us for a snack/lunch later. 

The next part of our journey was a long series of transportation. First, we took a bus from the hostel to the train station. Then, a train from Interlaken to Grindewald where we took a gondola up to Eigergletscher where we boarded another train up to Jungfrau. The entire journey had insane views of the mountains, but our favorite had to be the gondola which is described as the “most modern cable car experience” and takes 15 minutes to climb to the top of the mountain. We even saw cows on the mountain side below us! It was also crazy to feel the temperature dropping as we climbed higher and higher on each leg of the journey. 

At the top, the first thing we went to see was the overlook to try to get a panoramic view. Unfortunately, there was a storm coming in this evening so the clouds were already starting to form. The view that we did get was amazing, but it wasn’t panoramic (we were still happy because the view disappeared less than an hour later). After the viewpoint, we went back inside to warm up and headed toward the ice palace. 

Along the way, we went through a cool tunnel covered with stars that led us past a giant snow globe and some fun facts about the construction and history of Jungfrau. At the other end of the hallway, we entered the ice palace. We slid along the ice floors past ice sculptures of penguins and dogs and an ice bar and the squirrel from ice age frozen with his acorn. It was a lot of fun and we loved seeing all of their creations. We were starting to get cold so (because we are so smart) we decided to go out into the snow to see the very top of the mountain. At this point, the clouds had come in even more so there wasn’t a lot of visibility but it was really cool to see the flag on the top of the mountain and see the snow and ice and a few glimpses of nearby mountains. 

From there, we headed inside to see the shops and restaurants. The coolest one was the Lindt store which had you walk through chocolate making explanation before you got into the shop. It also ended up being the only place we bought anything and we were very happy about it. 

After walking through the rest of the building, we headed back to the train station and took the other route down. Instead of the train to Eigergletscher, we took it a little farther to Kleine Scheidegg where we got off and explored for a bit (and ate our sandwiches) before hopping on the next train which took us to Lauterbrunnen. We were hoping to get off at the stop before and hike in but it started raining and we didn’t want to get soaked so we stayed on the train till Lauterbrunnen. 

Luckily the rain hadn’t quite made it to Lauterbrunnen yet, so we had time to explore. We made it down to the waterfall before turning back. On our way back to the station, we couldn’t resist getting Bratwurst from the stand on the street (which had a line of eager customers both times we walked by). As soon as we tried it, we knew exactly why there was a line and were very glad we opted to get our own instead of share one. 

After a relaxing ride back to Interlaken, we headed back to the hostel for a short break. We were lucky we did because soon after, it started hailing pieces of ice, some of which were as big as dimes. We waited until we were sure it had stopped before heading back out to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for dinner. We brought them back to the hostel and cooked chicken, broccoli, and potatoes to have with watermelon for dinner. It was amazing and we enjoyed it all before heading up to get ready for bed. 

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4 thoughts on “Top of Europe”

  1. Thank you, Isabel and Stephanie – I feel like I am traveling with you! Switzerland is shaping up better than I first thought (the sink hole/zoo – lol) and you two are sure adventurous. Nice to see you can make some home (hostel) cooked meals every now and again, interspersed with local (street!) cuisine. Keep enjoying it ALL!

  2. I loved Lauterbrunnen, the valley, waterfalls, cows, and hiking. So glad you had a great experience.

  3. Amazing pictures and experiences! Maybe you two should be tour planners! The ice palace looked so cool (!) and you can now say you “summitted” the mountain.

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