
Top of Innsbruck

We took a slightly slower morning to try to catch up on some sleep before heading out to get to know Innsbruck. Our first stop was the grocery store next door for breakfast which we enjoyed before heading over to Hofgarten, a beautiful park with amazing views of the mountains. It was a very nice start to the day (the fact that it was shady didn’t hurt either). We followed the sound of a violinist out of the park and into the old town where we sat on a purple bench to listen for a little bit before continuing through the town. 

We wandered through the town, looked in some of the shops, and admired the colorful buildings. In the city center, we climbed up the 134 spiral staircase steps and through a window to get to the top of a tower overlooking the city. It had amazing panoramic views of the city and the mountains surrounding it. For most of the time, we even had the top to ourselves and we enjoyed the view for awhile before climbing back through the window and down the spiral staircase. 

At this point, it was lunch time so we found a pub nearby and got food and beer. It was delicious and nice to be able to get a meal for a reasonable price again. After lunch, we wandered a little more in the direction of a post office where we bought a box to ship home and free up some space in our bags. Once we had the box, we headed back to the hostel to pack it up and then back out to a post office to ship it. Hopefully everything will arrive safely and we will be able to enjoy having lighter bags. 

After shipping the box, we headed directly for the funicular which we rode up the mountain before switching to a cable car to take us the rest of the way up to the top of Innsbruck. From the top, we could see all of Innsbruck and wished we had had more time to hike down. Instead of hiking in what would’ve become dark, we took the cable car and funicular back down before heading to get dinner and get ready for bed.

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Sweet life on deck

Last night, we boarded our gigantic ferry, named Cruise Roma, in Barcelona which departed for Rome. We learned quickly that despite the signs advertising it, there would in fact be no wifi. Also, despite the pool, it would not be filled with water and open for swimming. Lastly, despite the facilities, the gym and spa were closed the entire time. Regardless, we made the best of it and got a lot of much needed relaxation. 

Of course, the first thing we did was wander through the boat to see what we could find. After that, we stayed on the deck until the ferry left port and the sun set. At that point, we went back to our room to eat dinner and then get ready for bed. We got to bed early and then slept late to make the most of our time without anything to go see. This ferry is the 3 week mark of our trip and we were very ready for the break so that we could relax before the last 6 weeks. 

In the morning, we ate some breakfast and watched the boat dock, unload, reload, and depart in Porto Torres, an Italian island which marked the boat’s first stop. Then we went back to the room to relax some more, watch a show, and take naps before heading up to lunch. We had pre booked lunch onboard because we knew we couldn’t bring enough food onboard for every meal. For the meal, we each got 2 rolls, some cheese-pasta that resembled lasagna, a large piece of breaded chicken, potatoes, an apple, and a drink. 

After reorganizing and packing our bags, our afternoon primarily consisted of lounging (and napping) on pool chairs on a deck near our room. The cool breeze made it very nice to just sit and look out at the water. We also enjoyed some (more) apples that we brought onboard and Isabel temporarily used a small piece to replace her earring backing which was lost in Madrid. While we were sitting by the water, we were also very excited to see two whales next to the boat and then kept trying to find more. 

Overall, it ended up being a very relaxing journey but we both wish it had been shorter. When we got off, we headed for the train station and took a train into Rome and a tram to the hotel. 

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We are so excited to depart on our two month European adventure!!! This is where you will find all of our blog posts and pictures throughout our journey. Feel free to leave a comment or suggestion and we will check them periodically as our internet access may not be consistent.

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